Sunday, February 3, 2013

24 & 25 weeks

Lyssa is sitting up like a pro. It's like she just decided, 'I can do this', and she sits like she's been sitting on her own forever. She is also becoming quite adept at switching from hands and knees to sitting and then back. It's how she gets around- because she still hasn't figured out the whole move hand, move knee, move other hand, move other knee movement phenomena, otherwise known as crawling. But she gets around quite well- it sure is funny to watch!
She has discovered in her hands more than just something to suck on. She holds them up and examines them, gracefully swirling them in a 'come hither' type motion. We crack up every time she does it.
Her diet has expanded from orange veggies and cereals to include peas, bananas, apples, and oranges. Well, orange juice. From an orange. She loves those things, sucking them dry and squealing if we take it away from her. So funny. She gets a taste of avocado tomorrow. Still eating like a champ, she consumes 2-3 tablespoons of cereal plus her fruit or veggie of which she can't seem to get enough.
Her half birthday is coming up- cant believe my little girl is 6 months old already.

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