Wednesday, March 6, 2013

7 months!

Lyssa is flying through her infancy... Mommy is having a hard time keeping up with the speed of each passing week. My baby girl is crawling, pulling herself up, jabbering away to anyone who will listen (no words yet), and busily exploring the world around her.

Developments: crawling very well; pulling herself up; refining motor skills, especially with her fingers and hands; discovering things such as outlets, cords, CDs on the cd rack, mommy's studio supplies and music books, drawers, shoes, and the list continues. She is occupied for a short time by her toys but then wants to crawl all over and under everything.

Favorites: Peas (she picks them up with amazing dexterity and rarely do they find themselves in her mouth); knocking over block towers (she can't leave them up- it bugs her to have a tower); crawling under the piano to play with the pedals (she LOVES the pedals on mommy's piano and beelines it to the piano every chance she gets); bath time; her blankie; bouncing in her doorway bouncer to music; time with mommy and daddy.

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