Milestones: Lyssa reached 3 months last Monday (11/5). At her 3mo appointment, she weighed in at 15lb 11oz and 25 1/4in, putting her up to the 97 percentile for her age. Dr Malaty said that if all continues to go well, we can wait till 5mo to start her on solids. Mommy and daddy couldn't be happier.
She is on a solid routine, eating every three hours between 8am and 11pm, with her nap times about an hour after she finishes eating and has playtime. Her bedtime is at 7 and when she goes down after her 11pm feeding, she is down for the night until 5, sometimes 7:30am. It is delightful having such a consistent routine and a happy baby. She goes right down without a peep every time and wakes up smiling and happy.
Developments: sleeping all night (hallelujah momma's sleeping again!!); giggling; traveling (mainly in her crib); reaching for and grasping things; noticing her hands and things in them; making letter sounds (favorites are n, g, agh, and e).
Improvements: following movements with her eyes more and more; lots more cooing and talking; staying up on her elbows for longer periods of time; strengthening legs, arms, and neck (I'm sensing an early crawler).
Other: drooling; everything in hands goes directly to mouth, including hands; lots of necessary outfit changes (both mommy and baby, if you get my drift... haha!).
Loves: airplane; bath time; being read to; playtime on her mat; walks in the baby bjorn; listening to mommy play the piano.
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