Last night Matthew and I painted birdhouses. They are going to hang in the corner in front of the windows in baby girl's room. They turned out quite precious.

Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
30 week milepost
It's hard to believe but I am now past 30 weeks. I am ever-growing and find that carting this watermelon around is a little cumbersome and exhausting but I imagine I will miss it once she's here. She won't be with me, a part of me, in her safe little cocoon. Having said that, though, as the time to meet her approaches ever nearer I am getting flutters of excitement. I feel her moving inside of me and I have this intense longing to just hold her.
I am still feeling great- except for the heartburn. It is getting more difficult to eat and not pay for it 30 minutes later. I've found that the best relief is chewing gum, weirdly enough.
No new cravings- still can't get enough fruit but am limiting the amount I eat due to the 'burn. I'm looking forward to pasta and coffee post-labor!!
'loving the bump'
I am still feeling great- except for the heartburn. It is getting more difficult to eat and not pay for it 30 minutes later. I've found that the best relief is chewing gum, weirdly enough.
No new cravings- still can't get enough fruit but am limiting the amount I eat due to the 'burn. I'm looking forward to pasta and coffee post-labor!!
'loving the bump'
Sunday, May 13, 2012
first mother's day
it's been a special day- breakfast in bed from the best hubby and daddy-to-be in the world, a beautiful Mother's Day recital by my amazing students, some fun baby gifts from said students, and a chat with my mom, sister, and two very special friends. now it's nap-time because this mommy-to-be is exhausted...
last thoughts as my eyes fight to stay open are how special it is to be a mommy and how madly in love I am with this little girl who has yet to make her debut...
last thoughts as my eyes fight to stay open are how special it is to be a mommy and how madly in love I am with this little girl who has yet to make her debut...
Saturday, May 12, 2012
third trimester thoughts
My belly is bigger, my energy is lower, and my heartburn is meaner, but so far I'm not finding third trimester too overwhelming. At my 28 week checkup appointment, I was pricked for glucose testing (everything normal) and measured in at 27 cm- a little on the small side but no concerns as of now. We heard her heartbeat again -sounding beautiful! - she was moving around a lot, enough that my dr even commented on how visible her movements are. I'm still loving the feeling of her little self inside me and have started capturing videos of her most active moments. Sometimes when she moves, she stops in a certain position where one side of my stomach is distended further than the other- it always makes me giggle because of how funny it looks. But pretty soon she is back to her squirming and my belly erupts into more wiggling all over.
Food is better than ever- I just can't eat very much at one sitting. So I eat mini meals. Fruit is still a huge craving; other than that, I don't have any sudden food urges. I am now avoiding tomato/pasta sauces, my occasional cup of decaf coffee, and spicy foods due to heartburn attack that always follows.
With only two weeks left of regular lessons and one makeup week following that, I am starting to feel the approach of summer. With only 11 weeks left, we have fun plans with friends and family, as well as a birthing class, photo shoots, and nursery completion to keep us busy as the month of July slooowwwlly approaches.
Food is better than ever- I just can't eat very much at one sitting. So I eat mini meals. Fruit is still a huge craving; other than that, I don't have any sudden food urges. I am now avoiding tomato/pasta sauces, my occasional cup of decaf coffee, and spicy foods due to heartburn attack that always follows.
With only two weeks left of regular lessons and one makeup week following that, I am starting to feel the approach of summer. With only 11 weeks left, we have fun plans with friends and family, as well as a birthing class, photo shoots, and nursery completion to keep us busy as the month of July slooowwwlly approaches.
Friday, May 4, 2012
27 weeks... come and gone
so last Friday was 27 weeks-- and here I am on the brink of the third trimester. It's hard to believe...
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